Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Recovery is Like Shopping

So we are learning that Adele approaches recovering from surgery the way she does shopping- at her own pace. She is slow and deliberate in order to get exactly what she wants. So it is in the ICU: she continues to make measurable progress such as needing less oxygen and walking up to 75 feet today. The doctor had originally thought she may come out of the ICU earlier but he learned what Fred and others have known for years- that Adele is always running late. She'll get there- you just can't rush her to be on time. Things really did go well today. Her mood was good and her strength was better. She even got some food that she found edible at both lunch and supper today! It's not anywhere as nice as what Fred makes her but let's face it, he sets the bar pretty high. Today as well she was very pleased to get a bunch more cards in the mail. Today's count is up to 20 Get Well cards. 20! (you know, if she were the type to actually count such things). Keep 'em coming!

1 comment:

  1. Cousin Adele I(nathan) and Lori are staying with Mort at Loiuses house. WE LOVE YOU GET WELL AND GET HOME NOW!!!!

    Took the FREAKING 14 year old kid to figure out how to comment on the blog.

    We love you, please be good

    p.s Freddy if you need us please call us..we have been staying in touch with Marc every other day.

    Hey Adele i took my FIRST SICK DAY EVER !!!1
    And guess what im really sick, but going back tomorrow.

    We all love you Nathan , Mom , Uncle , &Papa

